Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Highlights

Christmas was delightful this year! We stayed home and had a simple Christmas. Grandma and Grandpa Sutton came over in the morning and stayed for the afternoon.

Here are a few of the highlights of the day.
But first Anna's chocolate house was freaking awesome!! Technically not on Christmas, but so worth sharing.
On Christmas there were new ornaments for the tree.

Size 15 clown church shoes!

They fit perfectly!!
And who wouldn't want a ball of electricity!!!

Since Luke has been running with the cross country team pretty regularly, we thought he could handle a pair of "real" running shoes. They weigh a fraction of his old shoes. He has already tried them out and has given us the stamp of approval!
Sweet Mark looks scary..but he's still a sweety.
Ben has become the silver power ranger.
Mark has been asking for a violin since for almost a year. He loves sitting in my violin lessons and just watching. He has a pretend violin made out of a macaroni and cheese box that he has about loved to pieces.
His smile was unforgettable.
And his first lesson took place right there amongst the wrapping papered floor. I loved how much he remembered from his macaroni and cheese violin.
After all the presents were opened and the cinnamon rolls were in the oven, Cory brings out this enormous gift from our in-laws car. On my bucket list is to learn how to play the cello (especially Bach's Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1.) It was over whelming to open and to realize that I could make it happen!

 Merry Christmas everyone!

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