Saturday, September 10, 2011

Frugal Smiles

Everybody knows that I am "creative in my frugality." (Thank you Janine Bolon I will be forever in your debt for that phrase...LOVE IT!)

Ever since the boys traveled up to Idaho and spent a week with their Grandpa (who is a REAL cowboy according to James...even though Grandpa no longer has cows or rides matter) James has desired a REAL cowboy hat. Like Grandpas. Whenever we would go to IFA to purchase chicken feed, James would just about purr over the hats. He would pet them, try them on, and linger at the hat rack for FAR to long. Knowing that the prices of the hats were well above our range of available funds, he knew that it would be a while before he was able to have "His hat."

We started looking at other options. When we would go to yard sales and to the Deseret Industries he would look for a hat. Usually they would still be to expensive or to small.

Insert James's sad face that is so hard for mom to see.

Well, after a few months of searching, while I was pursuing the used books at the DI, I noticed a cowboy hat in the baseball caps-not where they are usually kept. After close inspection, I knew James would love the hat.

And he did!!! The smiles lasted for days as he wore his hat whenever he was awake. Granted its only been a couple of weeks since we purchased it, but he still wears it all the time.

The best part? Well besides James' huge grin, it was the price of $1.50.

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