Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lovin' my Idaho

I love Idaho. There is no question to that. I never realized how nice it was during my childhood. I thought it was boring, bland, flat, and not much to it. However, I was wrong on all counts. Not only that, but my parents live there and visiting them is always something I look forward to. This was the case when we were able to recently visit.

The old wood shed. We would fill the shed up every winter with chopped wood. Then all during the winter we would carry it into the house.
The horizon looking to the east.  It was hazy while we were there because of all of the fires in South-Eastern Idaho this summer. Usually one can see the Teton Mountains clearly. 
The boys LOVE riding the four wheeler on grandpa's farm. But this year, I think Luke's favorite part was driving the truck instead.

Luke and Ben got stuck deep in the mud. They had to push the four wheeler out and got REALLY muddy.  And when I say mud, its not necessary mud-mud but stinky manure-mud.

James got to mow the great big lawn. He loved it!

Ben with Grandma and Grandma.

Luke climbed a huge pine tree at the park. And while he was there....
.....he took my picture.
James at the same park in Rexburg. Smith park has changed quite a bit. I was a little disapointed. I remember a large slide that would scare the geebers out of me. There was an old west jail and (monkey bar style) carriage. The carriage was still there but there wasn't much else.

Dad and me at Mesa Falls. One of my favorite places. I hate taking pictures by ourselves. I am really bad at it.

This is Mesa Falls. My feet didn't feel like going down all of the stairs so this is as close as we got. Mesa Falls is beautiful and powerful. I love it!

We played cards on Sunday evening. I think Ben won. If anyone is looking for a card game for your family, Wacky Six is our family favorite!!
Mark on THE SWING. It is always in demand and one of the favorite past-times at Grandpa's house. I use to swing on it when I was Mark's age.

We stopped by the Idaho Falls temple on the way home. This picture was taken right after Mark pulled the fire alarm in the visitors center. Those old folks sure can move fast when they need to!

The Family! You will probably see this on our Christmas card.

Love this guy!

We also stopped and saw Grandma Hanson. She is who I am named after. She always has great stories and this was no different. She talked about her garden and memories of  Grandpa. We also talked about the super water fights that the Hanson family was famous for. Those are great memories! Nothing like garbage cans full of water being dumped on you or you being dumped in.

I already miss Idaho. It was 73*. much nicer then the 102* that it was here today. However I love being around my family even more!

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