Sunday, March 8, 2009

I've been tagged!

Keri tagged me...and everyone I would have tagged. Oh well..its still fun.

The Eight Mysteries of Me
Here are the rules:
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the six '8' items
3) Let each person know by leaving them a comment.

8 favorite TV shows:
1. Biggest Looser
2. Glen Beck
3. Hannity
4. Jerico
5. Brady Bunch
6. Law and Order
7. That show where they tear down a family's house and build them a new one...what was it called?? i forget, but it makes me bawl!
8. uuhhh..did I mention we disconnected the tv??? I don't remember anymore!

8 Things I did today:
1. Slept for 3
2. Prepared sharing time and performed it
3. played Wacky 6...and lost
4. read to the kids
5. talked with Cory
6. wished for a nap
7. missed my Dad
8. freaked out that Luke only has 7 1/2 years till his little time to teach him SO MUCH!!!

8 Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Finishing the book Understanding the Times
2. Finishing Macbeth
3. Bottling chicken tomorrow
4. Memorizing this week's poem
5. Tuesday with Cory
6. A baby sleeping through the night
7. Ice cream after the kids are in bed (yep I'm not sharing tonight..I'm so mean)
8. sleep

8 Favorite Resturants
1. Applebees
2. Olive Garden
3. Famous Daves
4. Fall River Cafe
5. Cafe Rio
6. Luke and James' cooking night
7. Katy's house
8. Mom's house

8 Things on my wish list:
1. sleep
2. ice cream that doesn't make me gain weight
3. a clean kitchen
4. the laundry done
5. time to attend GWU
6. a new pair of jeans
7. to have primary staffed for "ONE WEEK!"
8. world peace

1 comment:

Shane and Brandi said...

It is a good thing you don't want much. I mean a primary staffed for one week. Keep dreaming! Sorry I didn't realize you were looking forward to bottling chicken. I am still bottling if you want to come help. Did I mention it is 4:24am