Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas time is here!!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Ours was quiet and uneventful. Very nice. The few days before, Mark had a blister of some sort on his gums so we (Mark and I) were up all night crying. Well..Mark did MOST of the crying anyway. I felt so bad for him. He couldn't suck on his pacifier or bottle and wouldn't even close his mouth. Poor guy! This morning his sore is gone and he is acting like his cute curious self. Hooray!

On Christmas Eve we went to the City Christmas program. It was very nice this year. Sometimes the program is on the weak side, but this year they really did a good job involving the community with an enjoyable program. We then sang songs as we looked at the lights around town. We came home and settled in for the evening. Of course, it was a very long evening as I ended up driving Mark around at about 2am to see if I could get him to sleep. It worked until I brought him home again, then he started crying again. The next morning was delightful to watch the boys open their gifts! The living room became a sea of wrapping paper. Later I had the perfect nap and the boys and I had a lazy Christmas afternoon together.

The best moment of Christmas!!

Lights in LaVerkin. That deer is hung up in the tree by his hind legs. A red string of lights is around his neck and drapes to the ground. What a hoot!! A true LaVerkin resident!!

Ben was very enthusiastic with his gifts. Using every body part available to open the presents.

The stocking that Cory won at his work Christmas party. The kids were really hoping that Santa would fill it.

The making of the candy houses a few days before. I would call them gingerbread houses but I have never made gingerbread and I've been to lazy to they are grahm crackers covered in candy trying to resemble a house.


Shane and Brandi said...

Looks like a wonderful Christmas! I love the stocking! LOL

Kendra said...

Merry Christmas. :) I love the story about your Christmas tree in the PP. Trading in your elaborate christmas tree for something simple and homemade is so symbolic of motherhood. I really felt inspired by that. Thanks.

Unknown said...

looks and sounds like fun! lOVE THE older boys super man pjs, and the giant stocking how great!

keri said...

Love the christmas light picture. only in Laverkin.

Jeannetta said...

Looks like a fabulous Christmas! I love the stocking!
I posted a deer hung up too, only on my Facebook page. It was done by a family member of a friend-NOT in LaVerkin-I wonder if one inspired the other??!! Too funny :)
Happy New Year!