Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas in Idaho!! part 1..Air Force Museum

This, for Christmas, year we parted from tradition and ventured up to my homeland of Idaho. To get there, it is a lovely 10 hour drive. The week before we left, the weather has been on the wet side, so we were nervous about the drive. Thankfully, it dried out the day we left. However, it left in its path, a blanket of fog everywhere! It was so thick that at times we were driving pretty slow.

Halfway to Idaho we stopped at the Air Force Museum. (We briefly stopped last time but it closed soon after we had arrived.)

In the van we were listening to a story called A Distant Prayer by Jerry Borrowman and Joseph Banks. It is the true story of Joseph Banks in World War II. It is a life changing story that I highly recommend. In it, Joseph Bank's aircraft is shot up. The detail in the book was so interesting, that the boys really wanted to see a B-17.

Well, the Air Force museum had it! (James was/is obsessed with that bright orange hat...he wears it A LOT) It was really interesting to place the plane into the story. It made the story more real to me.

The boys loved being at the museum! We were there almost two hours looking at all of the planes etc. At the end we all were able to get a smashed penny with an airplane embossed on it--we love getting those!

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